To make your life even easier, consider creating another Google Sheet that 
pulls info from the shared one, does the summary math you want, and results in 
an arrangement that can be imported directly into GnuCash. Then you don’t have 
to type anything twice and eliminate occasions for math mistakes.


> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 9:36 PM, doncram <> wrote:
> In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work with 
> some of the information?  Surely then there are communication / information 
> sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your single-access 
> semi-complicated GnuCash system.   
> I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit, a botanical garden society which is 
> set up as a charitable nonprofit, and I have puzzled over similar issues for 
> tracking, but also for sharing info.  A big issue is that select other board 
> members or volunteers work with some of the same information.  The treasurer 
> job is too big already, and others are better about handling some tasks like 
> tracking membership renewals (i.e. contributions at "pledge" amount) and 
> sending out reminders, and following up with thank you notes in writing for 
> larger donations, and email notes for smaller ones.  One volunteer, call her 
> the membership director,  has a big spreadsheet of most of the 
> members/contributors and dollar amounts and so on.  The board secretary is 
> really good at writing nice thank you notes for the bigger donations. I hate 
> the fact that I, as treasurer, if I follow the past practice, am essentially 
> duplicating a whole lot of info, when I enter each donation or membership 
> payment, putting member name into a description/note field.  "We" already 
> have that information!  Couldn't it be shared?  And what about cross-checking 
> the spreadsheet information vs. my accounting entries.... I know there are at 
> least a few discrepancies, which need to be identified and followed up upon, 
> else a donor gets no acknowledgment or gets "billed" twice or whatever.
> So, I have started use of a combined-access spreadsheet, by uploading the 
> membership director's spreadsheet to a Google Docs spreadsheet, and I talked 
> her through using it online.  Happily it is perfectly easy for her to do her 
> job in the now-shared spreadsheet.  And I will add columns as necessary to 
> record deposit dates and whatnot.  I am hoping to do my data entry about 
> specific individuals there, i.e. by just recording treasurer stuff in "my" 
> columns, adding to already-existing rows for all members.  I am hoping to 
> stop my very detailed accounting, and making occasional accounting entries 
> that are summary, tying out to the info in my columns.  E.g. I can record the 
> donation/membership check amounts in a column for income from August 2019, 
> say, and make just one summary entry into the accounting system.
> I cannot imagine myself producing all the necessary reports to serve others 
> and all purposes if I was handling all the info myself.  And I can't imagine 
> collaborating with others in any way other than a shared spreadsheet.  Any 
> comments/suggestions?
> Thank you Michael Hendry for the question and thank all the participants so 
> far!
> sincerely, Donald Cram

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