Thanks for the suggestions and some more definitions about QIF and CSV
importers.  Bottom line for me on my LM 19.2, other than the QIF importer
none of the other techniques work on my Win or Linux machines.  On my linux
box, the program itself did not work although I did get a clean cmake
install this last time.

As this is tax season, I don't have a lot of time to program this stuff - I
need to work on my books.  My history with Gnucash started long ago in the
early 2.* series.  I suppose I was on LM13 or less at that time.  Gnucash
worked in Linux just fine and was a great help. At that time even the auto
downloads aqbank was working for me.  As time went by and especially after
we jumped to the 3.* series, the importing, automation, aqbank, etc stopped
working.  I was still able to create a working program via the tar ball
method until we got to the mandatory cmake procedure.  At that time I was
not able to make an install from any kind of cmake instructions. As I had
hopes to restore some of the functions I had lost, I updated gnucash.  For a
time I was able to get 3.2 from flatpac to work and lately a 3.5 deb package
from Stephen Butler to work.  As mentioned I was able to get a cmake install
for 3.7 using a different procedure to install to $HOME/.local.  Previously
all attempts to install to any /usr or /opt directory failed.
Today I tested old and new .gncash files and all of them failed would not
work in the 3.7 (did the autoclose bit).  I did the "make uninstall" the 3.7
- it came out clean.  I checked the synaptic - clean.  Did the terminal
autoclean/autoremove bit - clean.  Checked dependencies again - attempted to
reinstall the 3.5 deb package.  Now this 3.5 deb package did install
cleanly, but again the files are untouchable - the magic program autoclose.
Is this a new feature?  I unloaded the 3.5, clean it up and then went to the
Synaptic and loaded the old 2.16.19 - the last gnucash Ubuntu/LM put in
their repositories.  This apparently is working.  What the heck!
So this is apparently pointing to issues with the newer Ubuntu/LM
programming/kernels or something. No clues beyond this - have to get
something to work on my books either on the Win machine or old linux

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