Your dump looks pretty much llke a rerun of the same problem except that now 
you also have an SSL certificate problem.

/usr/bin is right where you'd expect it, but you can't see it with Finder, only 
from the terminal. For example you can type
   ls -l /usr/bin/make
and if it's there get back something like
   -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  167088 Dec  7 15:39 /usr/bin/make*

Did you install Xcode in /Applications without messing with the name? If not 
you might try
  sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to
making the obvious substitution. 
Or, since something seems confused, maybe run that even if you *did* install it 
in /Applications.

Since make is in the Xcode bundle you might be able to work around the problem 
for Finance::Quote with 
  export PATH="$PATH:/Path/to/"
and then running gnc-fq-update again.

John Ralls

> On Feb 9, 2022, at 8:05 PM, dennis adams <> wrote:
> John, thanks for the response.  I believe I have the full XCode (32GB worth) 
> but don’t know for sure since I don’t use it.  I only have it because of GC.  
> I hadn’t opened it but did after your response and told it to install the 
> “additional components”.  After that, I ran the “gnc-fq-update” command again 
> and got the “You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote” 
> result when I ran a check, like before.  Terminal info is attached.  (Note: I 
> changed the GC app name from Gnucash to just so you will 
> see that change in the sudo command line). 
> You stated that on your mac, “xcrun” and “make”are in the /usr/bin.  Not sure 
> where that is but I right clicked the xCode app and then clicked show 
> contents.  With this following path:   I 
> did find “make” but did not find “xcrun”.  Is that the correct location where 
> they should be?  There are a lot of other xc—— commands but no “xcrun”
> You stated I could install command-line tools by running  “xcode-select 
> —install”.  Even though I think I have the full xCode with 32.12 GB, I went 
> ahead and ran the command.  Since I am on slow DSL (2.87Mbps) it showed 215 
> hours remaining to download so I stopped it.  
> Any other thoughts or ways to get “xcrun”?
>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 18:54, john < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 1:36 PM, dennis adams < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC.  Read mailing 
>>> list and saw  where I needed to get GC 4.8 which I did.  Installed 4.8 and 
>>> GC came up and displayed correctly but am now unable to get stock quotes.  
>>> The Price Database Get Quotes button is greyed out.
>>> Went to Applications, GC 4.8, Contents, Resources, bin and clicked on 
>>> gnc-fq-check which said:
>>> “Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:18:07 on ttys000
>>> /Applications/Gnucash\ ; exit; 
>>> dwa1@dwa1 ~ % /Applications/Gnucash\ 
>>> ; exit;
>>> You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote
>>> Use your system's package manager to install them, or run 'gnc-fq-update' 
>>> as root.
>>> missing-lib
>>> Saving session...
>>> ...copying shared history...
>>> ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
>>> [Process completed] “
>>> I had old version of XCode which didn’t work with Monterey so updated to 
>>> version 13.2.1 and then ran “sudo /Applications/Gnucash\ 
>>> update”.  Terminal info from that 
>>> run is attached, but basically it didn’t work since when I ran the 
>>> gnc-fq-check again, I got the same message as above.
>>> I’m well out of my depth with all this and not sure where to go from here.  
>>> The Terminal information does not really make sense to me but there were 
>>> several statements like “missing xcrun at: 
>>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun “  and “the following 
>>> files are missing in your kit: .travis.yml “ as well as others
>>> It would seem that if I had all the FQ commands in 
>>> /Applications/Gnucash\ xxx then I have FQ 
>>> installed but the check says no.  Don’t know where to go from here.  Any 
>>> help would be appreciated.
>> Most of the modules failed to install and it looks like it was because there 
>> was no `make` either on the path or in the command-line tools directory. You 
>> could install command-line tools by running 
>>  xcode-select --install
>> but that should be superfluous if you've installed the full Xcode. Having 
>> installed it have you run it so that it can install it's "additional 
>> components"? On my mac xcrun and make are in /usr/bin.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
> <Update4 FQ 2-9-22.pdf>

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