This might be a timing case.

There are different ways to handle it, some just ignore it, but one method is to employ an 'undeposited funds' account for checks you receive into a book that have yet to be deposited and cleared as an intermediary account. This allows you to show a receipt date, and then a deposited or cashed date that reflect real world events.

Otherwise, do they show up in an income or expense account? If so, show splits or turn on View > Transaction Journal mode to see the other side of the transaction and fix it if incorrect.

If you can't find them at all (by doing a Find) then double check that your expected registers don't have a Filtered view turned on.

And no, nothing should be in the 'Imbalance' or 'Orphan' accounts. If there are transactions in them, you should investigate and find out what those accounts should be and fix them. (nothing wrong with a Expenses:Miscellaneous account for very infrequent transactions, I have a few of those)


On 2/6/23 12:16 AM, Jeff wrote:

Easiest example that I can remember off the top of my head is, my wife recently wrote a check from her business account (her weeks wages) and deposited it directly into our personal account.  The OFX import, and statement, from our bank show it but there is no matching transaction in the business account.  Our statement has an image of the check plain as day but there is no match, period, in her business account statement(s).  And what really has me bumfuzzled is both sets of books are reconciled per their respective statements.  And it's not just one transaction involved, there are multiples.  That check did not bounce, it just seemingly like magic appeared in our account out of thin air. Magic money.

For now I have the check recorded as a deposit to our account and withdrawal from Imbalance-USD.  Just wanted to get your input on if that is the best way to handle transactions like that.

Her PayPal dealings are even worse but; that is for a different thread.

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