On 09-10-2011 23:30, takethe...@gmx.de wrote:

> in which cases should I revoke a key in general?

If you think it may be compromised.

> Let's  say  I  have my private key on an USB stick and lose the stick 
> somewhere in public. The key is protected by the mantra. I'm sure, nobody 
> knows the mantra except  me. Should I revoke the key or could I keep on 
> working with a copy of it?

That depends on your thread model and the strength of the secret key
password. It happened once to me (key on a backup CD-ROM in a bag that
got stolen, but unlikely by someone particulary interested in my keys.
However, I still revoked it yo be sure.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
Johan Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html

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