On Saturday 19 July 2014 04:37:56 Hauke Laging wrote:
> Am Sa 19.07.2014, 01:42:19 schrieb Ingo Klöcker:
> > Since you are also using KMail I invite
> > you to test whether KMail is able to decrypt symmetrically encrypted
> > OpenPGP/MIME messages out-of-the-box. It might just work, but I'm
> > too
> > lazy and too tired to test this right now.
> It does work. It seems not to work with Thunderbird/Enigmail though.
> But maybe I have done something wrong. The Enigmail console output
> looks good to me...
> I have prepared a mail file for those who want to give this a try:
> http://www.crypto-fuer-alle.de/docs/mail-symmetric/mail.cr-lf.eml

Thanks for testing (also to Mirimir and MFPA).

> > And what's your threat model, i.e. what do you want to achieve by
> > your symmetric email encryption scheme?
> Same answer: This is for users who don't need any threat model 
> consideration.

Huh? Why would those users want to encrypt a message if they don't have 
a threat in mind?

I'm not replying to anything else because I think I have nothing more to 


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