Am 16.01.2018 um 00:32 schrieb Robert J. Hansen:

(Responding here because Stefan's message hasn't hit my mail server yet)
My previous message to you and the list was bounced from your mail server.

It's from 2003.  It doesn't need modernization.
No? I for one would like to be sure that i am the only person who can
upload my public key to a key server directory.
Which is not a modernization issue.  It's a feature request, and the
feature you're asking for is DRM.  Literally.  You're asking that the
keyserver network be rewritten to give you the ability to manage how
information, which you think belongs to you, gets shared: that's DRM.
DRM schemes are awful and they don't work.

O.K. than it is a feature request. You also triggered something in me with the
words " which you think belongs to you".

If i am not mistaken you have also a keybase account, if not i applogize.
How about this; let's make "your" public key the ideal canditate for a
global trollwot session, were every GnuPG Linux user can participate
and add some funny things to "your" public key. This would be
also interesting to see how many signatures a public key can bear.

Maybe people can do also other things with "your" pub key and post
the used techniques here, like i did in the past with Erika Mustermann's
pub key and the added fake sig from Werner.

This would imho give you and people you talk to in conferences etc.
also a better view what i am talking about.

Best regards

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