On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 09:46, stefan.cl...@posteo.de said:

> and add some funny things to "your" public key. This would be
> also interesting to see how many signatures a public key can bear.

You may look at my key to see funny things and thousands of key
signatures from made up users.  They print a messges if viewed in a
keyserver listing.

Right, these key signatures allow for a DoS and eventually we should do
something about them.  As of now I resort to

import-filter drop-sig=   sig_created_d=2015-12-24
import-filter drop-sig=|| sig_created_d=2016-03-16
import-filter drop-sig=|| sig_created_d=2016-03-19
import-filter drop-sig=|| sig_created_d=2016-03-20

to keep my _local_ copy of the key at a reasonable size.



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