On 2/26/2020 at 11:27 AM, "Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users" 
<gnupg-users@gnupg.org> wrote:

>I like to make a proposal for future versions of GnuPG,
>where a user can change the line witdh of ASCII armor


It would not be compatible with older versions.

The simplest thing for you, (or any users who prefer the aesthetics of a 
particular custom line width),
would be to first make the GnuPG ascii armored message, then change it as you 
want to and copy, paste, and post,
with a little note of how to change it back for verification.

(fwiw, in my own experience, even the GnuPG clearsigned messages with it''s 
header and footer, are somewhat 'resented' in any non-crypto group, and often 
don't verify anyway because of minor alterations by the media posting)


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