
Having thought about this type of thing a great deal, extending Gorm to read 
and write Renaissance files as well as adding editors to handle the different 
editing situations would be better than creating a gui builder from scratch.

Gorm currently has an architecture which allows easy addition of different 
formats.  I implemented this when I added support for XML based nib files.   
Each format has a builder and reader class associated with it (.gorm and .nib 
do... .gmodel only has a reader, since it's not an outgoing format, but it 
would be possible to write one).

Later, GJC 
Gregory Casamento

----- Original Message ----
From: Fred Kiefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Developer GNUstep <>; Adam Fedor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:57:03 PM
Subject: Re: Summer of Code 2007

Nicola Pero wrote:
> I looked at the stuff, and the money is pretty good for students -- it looks 
> like 
> it's 4,500 USD in total for the Summer job ? :-)
> Can we add 'Writing a Renaissance GUI Builder' to the list of tasks ?  I 
> volunteer
> mentoring a student doing that.  It's a pretty tough job though, so only 
> determined
> people! ;-)

No, lets not write a new GUI Builder here, but add a plugin to Gorm that
is capable of reading and writing Renaissance files and of handling the
layout elements. Reading will be fairly easy, it is the writing that is
hard as we only want the changed attributes to show up. And if we have a
solution for that, I would also like to see that used for keyed value
encoding. The only idea I have here is to create a default object of the
same class and only write out the attributes that are changed from the
default, but event that may be to much information.


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