On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Adam Fedor <fe...@qwestoffice.net> wrote:

> On Jul 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>  As we are about to the the big change to NSSound from Stefan Bidigaray
>> and new code tends to need a few weeks to get most of the bugs out, I'd
>> like to propose that we release a new version of gui and back before
>> that. There already a quite a few bug fixes in both that would justify a
>> release already. And I hope to find the time to look at a few more bugs
>> the next days.
> The last release was about two months ago, and that's a pretty good time
> frame to make a new release.

Any update on this release?  I've got the code ready, even though I'm still
waiting on a resolution to the ABI compatibility discussion.  Should I
assume that what Richard did with NSOperation is the way ahead?  Also, if
this release is going to be braking ABI would it not be better for me to
commit the NSSound modifications and postpone the release another month or
2?  For those who can't wait, maybe stable release would be possible?

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