Stef Bidi schrieb:
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Adam Fedor <> wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>>  As we are about to the the big change to NSSound from Stefan Bidigaray
>>> and new code tends to need a few weeks to get most of the bugs out, I'd
>>> like to propose that we release a new version of gui and back before
>>> that. There already a quite a few bug fixes in both that would justify a
>>> release already. And I hope to find the time to look at a few more bugs
>>> the next days.
>> The last release was about two months ago, and that's a pretty good time
>> frame to make a new release.
> Any update on this release?  I've got the code ready, even though I'm still
> waiting on a resolution to the ABI compatibility discussion.  Should I
> assume that what Richard did with NSOperation is the way ahead?  Also, if
> this release is going to be braking ABI would it not be better for me to
> commit the NSSound modifications and postpone the release another month or
> 2?  For those who can't wait, maybe stable release would be possible?

Hi Stefan,

why do you expect the next release to break ABI compatibility? What I
wanted to do is a bug fix release and this is why I restricted myself to
non ABI breaking changes. Looking back through the ChangeLog file I
noticed that Greg has added an attached sheet ivar to NSWindow, this
will break ABI even though there still is no functionality behind that ivar.

The idea of doing a release before your change landed was to give your
code some time to mature while it is exposed to multiple users with
different setup. Two months will be the minimum for that, we should
rather give it a bit more time, given the slow speed at which people
pick up GNUstep SVN changes. This would result in no GNUstep release for
that time and I really would have loved to see the bug fixes out there.
For example the cairo scrolling fix is something that the Etoile people
have been waiting for a long time.

In the meantime Greg has commit some more of his attached sheet changes,
code which I find of limited quality. There also hasn't been any sign of
him fixing the NIB loading issues for NSTextView he introduced two
months ago. I started to work on a fix here myself, but really I at the
moment I am not able to stop the gui code from degrading.

OK, I stop complaining and come up with a way forward. I will give Greg
time until this weekend to fix his sheet change, otherwise I will clean
up myself and after about a week of test we should be able to make a gui
and back release. Somebody else will have to speak up whether base is
ready for a release.


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