100% agree

2009/10/9 Sergii Stoian <stoyan...@gmail.com>

> Hi, Gregory. Hi, guys.
> I can't resist expressing my opinion on GNUstep changes as I see it.
> I've defined several problem areas of GNUstep:
> 1. Maturity of GNUstep code for developers (functionality, docs, stability)
> 2. GUI appearance
> 3. Portability
> 4. Applications
> Gregory, behind all things you've mentioned I see a goal that can be
> expressed by the
> following phrase: "World (all stuff outside of GNUstep) acceptance of
> GNUstep as alternative
> developer framework that will help creating of alternative desktop
> environment."
> Do you really think that improving website, theme (argh!) lead us to rise
> of user attention
> to GNUstep? I don't think so. I see a lot of people comparing GNUstep with
> GNOME/KDE ("What's
> Etoile? Another desktop environment? Why we should use it?"). IMHO it's not
> our target audience.
> In my strong opinion our target audience could be:
> - NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP users who misses NS/OS look, feel and user experience
> in general (I'm one of them);
> - developers who knows what OpenStep and Cocoa are;
> - technical people who loves WindowMaker;
> - researchers, students who can use GNUstep as basement for it's works.
> In my opinion GNUstep project needs more forcible approach to reach the
> goal I've phrased above.
> I propose to discuss the following approach:
> 1. Select reference platform for GNUstep development. Make GNUstep work
> ideally on one platform and
>   then port it to another. My choice is FreeBSD (Xorg 7.4, ART GUI backend)
> despite the fact that I'm
>   Linux user for over 13 years. I have set of strong reasons for this, we
> can discuss it later.
> 2. Stop chasing MacOS functionality. Let's set our target to for example
> MacOS 10.5 for a several years.
>   In other words - polish and finish current implementation.
> 3. Stop trying to work everywhere. Let's make it working good at one place,
> then go to another. Let's
>   speak frankly - we can't compete with Qt. Despite the existing of DO,
> Objective-C and other great things.
> 4. Make work good ONE FINISHED gui backend on reference platform with all
> needed functionality (OpenGL,
>   Fonts, Graphics).
> 5. Finish gnustep-gui as it is. Problem areas are: text subsystem, fonts,
> graphics to name a few.
> 6. Create working destop environment for developers at least. Some day I
> realized that I'm working
>   inside mess of not interacting things. My plan is:
>   - Create Login application
>   - Create Preferences
>   - Create Workspace Manager (Workspace + WindowMaker), excellent
> integration of GNUstep with it (focus,
>     app management, dock interaction).
>   - Create Terminal application based on Alex Malmberg application.
>   - Create Mail application (GNUmail can be used as starting point).
>   - Finish ProjectCenter (anyway it's my responsibility).
> 7. Make it clean, fast and simple as NS/OS. Personally I'm tired of bloated
> desktop environments (KDE/GNOME).
>   I want improved (at reasonable degree) OPENSTEP.
> It's not a plan targeting on world domination. It's plan to make
> comfortable development environment as I see it.
> And if it will be comfortable to me it can be useful to somebody else.
> Summarizing this long email: we should focus on achievable goals by
> narrowing down portability and loosing
> competition with MacOS for now. Let's agree on strong, clean, simple vision
> of project future and users will
> come.
> On Wed, 07 Oct 2009 22:24:01 +0300, Gregory Casamento <
> greg.casame...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Guys,
>> There are a number of things which need to change on the project:
>> We need to:
>> 1) improve our website.  It's been the same for years and doesn't
>> reflect our progress.
>> 2) improve GNUstep's default theme as well as theming in general.
>> While I know some people will respond negatively to changing the
>> default theme from a NeXT-like look to something more modern, I
>> believe it's one way for us to spark interest in the project is to
>> update it's look.   The current look should always be available, but
>> not necessarily the default.
>> 3) Improve our ability to market ourselves in general.
>> One thing that GNUstep has been lacking in is marketing.   I've been
>> trying to improve things on that front, but I'm not the best marketer
>> to say the very least.
>> Does anyone have any questions or comments regarding this?  I would
>> like to hear any and all input people have.
>> Later, GC
> --
> Sergii Stoian
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Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez
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