Sergii, please see below.

Am 09.10.2009 um 17:34 schrieb Gregory Casamento:

Command line stuff is - well many users don't
know what a command line is, after all.

??  I'm not sure what you mean here.

Well, malfunctions in GNUstep are often answered by a few text commands which fix things. For example, Wolfgang Lux explained just yesterday how to fix services in

While is a special case in this regard, you can't expect users to fix things by typing commands in a shell. Things are either figured by the app without user interaction (preferred), or need a GUI.

Am 09.10.2009 um 18:15 schrieb Sergii Stoian:

Markus, why do you think that users of Xfce/KDE/GNOME should bother on GNUstep applications at all?

Because quite a few nice applications are written in GNUstep. Think about GNUmail, it has just the right design for users used to Apple Mail.

Think about TextEdit, which roughly matches Apple's TextEdit and can (well, should be able to) handle the RTF format.

Think about all those Cocoa apps out there just waiting to be ported to Linux or *BSD. There are plenty.

If you want GNUstep apps to fit into Xfce/KDE/GNOME then you need to change not only look (scrollbars, menu style, etc.) but also FEEL of applications.

For now I think it would be a big step forward if GNUstep wouldn't conflict with other desktops. If the dock-like miniwindows can be turned off, please do so by default in a Gnome or KDE environment. For the window containing the menu, respect the bars on top and on bottom of the screen. If the current desktop has scroll bars on the right, put them there in GNUstep apps as well.

Does GNUstep applications should look & feel as Qt and GTK+ apps?

There's no need to give up on the traditional behaviour for those prefering it.

Using GNUstep applications in, for example, GNOME is stupid.



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Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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