On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:13:59PM +0000, David Chisnall wrote:
> On 2 Mar 2010, at 21:03, Fred Kiefer wrote:
> > That was quite an interesting discussion. I asked whether we should
> > participate in GSoC this year in any form and didn't get any reply apart
> > from Yavor's (Who repeated my own proposal).
> I forwarded your post to the Étoilé list, but didn't get any replies.
> I think Eric and Niels would both be good candidates if they are
> students at the time, and I'd be happy to mentor someone.  We will
> probably put in an Étoilé proposal again even if GNUstep doesn't, but
> a joint proposal might work better, maybe with GSWeb / OGo?

I was a bit busy with other stuff last week, but better late than never:
David is right: I'll still be a student this summer, and I really like
the idea of spending more time on some fun GNUstep/Étoilé project then,
so GSoC would be a perfect excuse for doing exactly that. If lack of
mentor-manpower really is an issue, I'd also promise to be a
(relatively) low maintenance student ;-)
Anyways, not entering just because of bad experiences in the past might
perhaps be jumping to conclusions.



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