On 2 Mar 2010, at 21:03, Fred Kiefer wrote:

> That was quite an interesting discussion. I asked whether we should
> participate in GSoC this year in any form and didn't get any reply apart
> from Yavor's (Who repeated my own proposal).

Sorry for not replying last week ... I spent the week doing slow,methodical 
stuff which didn't need much thinking ... because I was/am ill (getting better 
now after having seen a doctor who said it was a treatable bacterial infection 
of the sinuses rather than an untreatable virus).

I think GSoC is probably a good idea, and I guess I could mentor for it, but I 
doubt that I'd be very good at mentoring.  People have talked about having to 
chase students and try to get them to do the work, and I'm just never able to 
do that sort of thing effectively.

The potential benefits if we get a good student able to devote real time to a 
particularly hard problem have got to make doing this worthwhile though.

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