Hi Bruce,

bruce wrote:
> I’m using FreeBSD, which has pre-built GNUstep packages, and they seem
> to work well, but the problem I run into is finding documentation for
> the current version. For example, Gorm. I’ve found this tutorial
> (https://gnustep.github.io/experience/PierresDevTutorial/index.html#)
> but it doesn’t match the current version of Gorm. The fields available
> on my screen don’t match the screens in the tutorial. I try to wing
> it, but no matter what I select, the menu items for subsequent steps
> are grayed out. So the section titled Adding outlets & actions is not
> usable Are there any more recent instructions that match the current
> version?

That tutorial should match current version, I updated it. There are no
significant changes to gorm that should affect the usage the way you
describe it, maybe you are missing some detail.

> To be honest, I don’t like gui designers that much, and would prefer
> just to write it all from source. To that end, I’ve been using
> https://github.com/gammasoft71/Examples_Cocoaas a starting point.
> These all work on a Mac I borrowed, but I have some issues getting
> them to work on GNUstep. In one case - the ComboBox example, the
> screen reacts to the controls so slowly that it’s not really usable.
> Again, the documentation I can find is not very helpful. Mostly it
> seems the documentation is for older versions of the API. Is there any
> current documentation for the GNUstep Cocoa API?

You can do everything by instantiating things by code yourself, if you
prefer. GORM is a convenience, it is a little bit more than just a GUI
designer, since it is capable of instantiating objects, setting messages
receiver and setters (the acronym stants for Graphical/GNUstep object
relationship manager).

A further alternative would be using renaissance, describing your gui
with XML style, if you prefer.
Unfortunately, the current backup website lost these documents, I hope
to be able to restore the full website soon. Luckily there is a full CVS

> I’m starting to wonder if the project is still alive. I see the main
> web page has been republished - github.gnustep.io
> <http://github.gnustep.io> - but most of the links I click on in it
> are dead. Help!

Sorry, there is some dust, we are changing hosting and it is taking
longer than supposed, currently a back-up site is online.


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