Arthur Sale writes

> ~SUniversities are delinquent in their duty of public
> accountability if they do not make all their research outputs which
> are not specifically commissioned by private enterprise publicly
> accessible on the Internet.~T

  That's what you think is their duty.

  There are plenty of publicly funded bodies that don't make their
  documents publicly available on the Internet. Think of the OECD,
  or the UK Ordenance Survey for example. Whether that's a good thing
  or not is a matter for debate.

> Funders can nominate where they want the research they fund to be
> deposited, but in reality, to do so other than in the institutional
> repository simply creates extra work for everyone,

  Not for everyone. If a funder has a repository it is safest
  for them to require deposit in their repository. It is otherwise
  cumbersome to check that the deposit is there and stays there.

  If the university wants a copy they can download it from the
  funders' site.

> and conflicts of interest.

  What conflicts?


  Thomas Krichel          
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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