On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Thomas Krichel <kric...@openlib.org>

      > Arthur Sale: Funders can nominate where they want the
      research they fund to 

      > be deposited, but in reality, to do so other than in
      the institutional

      > repository simply creates extra work for everyone,

       Not for everyone. If a funder has a repository it is
       for them to require deposit in their repository. It is
       cumbersome to check that the deposit is there and stays

       If the university wants a copy they can download it from
       funders' site.

And an author having to import and deposit every one of his own
institutional outputs into his own institutional repository because
it was deposited institution-externally instead of institutionally is
not extra work (for every author, and institution)?

Isn't the gist of the OAI concept that central service-providers
should harvest from distributed local content-providers, rather than
vice versa? (Or should everyone be depositing directly in Google, and
then harvesting back?)

Stevan Harnad

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