On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Thomas Krichel <kric...@openlib.org> wrote:

>  Blame your colleagues in the library community. If they would stop
>  subscribing to toll-gated journals, the toll-gated journals can't
>  survive.

It's one thing to chide the library community for failing to make the
distinction between the journal affordability problem and the research
accessibility problem, but advice like the above is so far off the
mark it takes one's breath away...

Shall I count the ways?

1. Librarians don't subscribe at their own whim, but at the behest of
their research/user community.

2. Researchers/users are not freed of their need for subscription
access until an alternative means of access to the contents of the
subscribed journals is first made available to them.

3. An alternative means of access is precisely what green OA
self-archiving and green OA self-archiving mandates provide -- but not
until they have become universal: otherwise you only have alternative
access to part of the content of some journals.

Look before you leap...

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