Thank you for the reply:
The URL link you posted in the original announcement is invalid:
The page you were on is trying to send you to an invalid URL (http://bepress

Please can you post a correct link that points directly to your "open
access" content so that I can explore it. I had three questions, you have
answered one,

* whether visitors can use SSRN/Bepress anonymously without registering?
1 ANSWER not yet given
* what the explicit licence is on the articles (e.g. CC BY)
2 ANSWER depends on the author.
* whether text and data mining is allowed without Elsevier' permission
3 ANSWER not yet given

I'd be grateful if can you give a correct link and answer questions 1 and 3


On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:02 PM, Chatterji, Promita (ELS-BKY) <> wrote:

> Hi Peter –
> Since your question was to me, I’ll respond for bepress here. We see our
> role as building a platform that excels in making open access content
> discoverable. We leave the exact definition of open access, including
> licensing and access control, to our customers to decide.
> So, for the record, yes, Digital Commons meets your criteria when our
> customers decide to make their work openly available, which is almost all
> of the time. When schools decide to restrict access on their content, we
> support them in that too. It’s their content and we have no claim to it.
> Best,
> Promita
> --
> Promita Chatterji
> Product Marketing Manager
> bepress
> *From: *<> on behalf of Peter Murray-Rust <
> *Reply-To: *"Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)" <
> *Date: *Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 2:50 AM
> *To: *"Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)" <>
> *Subject: *Re: [GOAL] bepress and SSRN Announce Integration Pilot with
> Columbia and University of Georgia Law Schools
> Please can the Elsevier poster of this announcement define exactly (in
> operational terms, not marketing fluff) what is meant by "openaccess" .
> When I visit the SSRN site I find it is a walled garden with the message:
> <quote>
> What Happened?
> We have observed an unusual download pattern.
> The reason why this might happen:
>    - Accessing through a proxy server
>    - Having problems downloading a paper
>    - Accidentally downloading a paper too frequently
> Please consider signing in or creating a free account. You can continue
> downloading this paper and you will no longer see this page. It also helps
> us track reader interest and provide accurate download counts to our
> authors and readers.
> </quote>
> This seems standard for other visitors who have tried to download even a
> single paper. My interpretation is that Elsevier (because SSRN and Bepress
> are now Elsevier) want to monitor and control readers in a walled garden.
> Unless I am reliably informed otherwise I expect that Elsevier will track
> all my actions on the site (monitor), probably report them to third
> parties, form data products out of my actions (monitoring) and also provide
> a nonobjective set of search results based on whatever Elsevier wants to
> promote (this is common in walled gardens).
> Could the Product Marketing Manager inform this list precisely:
> * whether visitors can use SSRN/Bepress anonymously without registering?
> * what the explicit licence is on the articles (e.g. CC BY)
> * whether text and data mining is allowed without Elsevier' permission
> The answers to all these questions can be single words. If they are not
> (YES, CC-BY, YES) then I do not regard this as Open Access
> P.
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 7:11 PM, Chatterji, Promita (ELS-BKY) <
>> wrote:
> ** apologies for cross-posting**
> bepress and SSRN Announce Integration Pilot with Columbia and University
> of Georgia Law Schools
> Bepress
> <http://bepress%20and%20SSRN%20Announce%20Integration%20Pilot%20with%20Columbia%20and%20University%20of%20Georgia%20Law%20Schools>
> and SSRN <> are pleased to announce a joint pilot
> to explore integration between their two platforms. The four-month pilot
> launches today with the participation of Columbia Law School’s Arthur W.
> Diamond Law Library and University of Georgia School of Law’s Library.
> Both bepress and SSRN are eager to explore potential solutions to the
> obstacles that professional schools and their libraries face in promoting
> their open access scholarship. The initial pilot offers one possible model
> for demonstrating the increased reach of legal scholarship when work is
> available through an open access repository as well as a specialized
> network of peers, by simplifying population of and aggregating research
> impact from both platforms.
> “We are incredibly excited to launch this project,” stated Jean-Gabriel
> Bankier, Managing Director at bepress. “It is the first step in our vision
> to work together with others in the Elsevier ecosystem in order to better
> support our community with their open access initiatives.” Columbia Law
> School Library Director Kent McKeever noted, “this is exactly the kind of
> synergy that I was hoping to see now that both products are under the
> Elsevier umbrella.” With Elsevier’s acquisition of bepress in August 2017,
> both platforms are now part of the Elsevier portfolio.
> One goal of the pilot is to support open access initiatives by helping
> libraries quickly populate their institutional repositories. SSRN and
> bepress will explore ways to easily transfer research articles, enabling
> this scholarship to become part of an institution’s open access
> collections. “Integrating these two platforms will reduce some of the
> hurdles to making law faculties’ scholarship freely available through open
> access,” states Carol Watson, Director of the Law Library at the University
> of Georgia.
> The pilot also tests potential benefits for authors. Bankier states, “we
> believe that authors should be able to get credit for their readership,
> regardless of whether an article is downloaded from bepress’s Digital
> Commons or SSRN.” As Watson puts it, the integration will lead to a “more
> accurate assessment of the true impact of their legal scholarship” by
> harnessing the discovery power that is at the heart of both platforms. SSRN
> and bepress are leading names in the law scholarship, with thousands of
> authors
> --
> Promita Chatterji
> Product Marketing Manager
> bepress
> _______________________________________________
> GOAL mailing list
> --
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
> Unilever Centre, Dept. Of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-763069 <+44%201223%20763069>
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> GOAL mailing list

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dept. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
GOAL mailing list

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