(Sorry for the cross-posting)

COAR is inviting community feedback on a white paper authored by Tony 
Ross-Hellauer, Benedikt Fecher, Kathleen Shearer and Eloy Rodrigues.

The white paper, entitled Pubfair – A Framework for Sustainable, Distributed, 
Open Science Publishing Services <https://comments.coar-repositories.org/>, 
provides the rationale and describes the high level architecture for an 
innovative publishing framework that positions publishing functionalities on 
top of the content managed by a distributed network of repositories.

You can find the white paper in web format here 
<https://comments.coar-repositories.org/> or download the full text in pdf 
format here 
 Please provide your comments directly on the website.
We welcome all relevant input by September 30, 2019.

All the best, 


Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
www.coar-repositories.org <http://www.coar-repositories.org/>

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