Call for Poster Presentations and Speakers
Open Science Conference 2020 (11-12 March 2020, Berlin, Germany)

This call invites the research community as well as further important 
stakeholders of the Open Science movement to submit an abstract for one of the 
following calls.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact 

Call for Poster Presentations
We invite you to submit project presentations and other contributions covering 
topics including (but not limited to):

*         Recent innovations to support open science practices and their 
application and acceptance in scientific communities

*         Empirical studies and use cases about the scientific benefit of open 
science practices and their impact in society

*         Best practices dealing with open science education and science 
communication to the broad public
Please submit your abstract as PDF which describes the main idea, the practical 
relevance, and its innovative, scientific, and/or societal impact. The abstract 
may not be longer than 500 words. To enable blind review the abstract must be 
submitted in a fully anonymous format so that the respective PDF (including 
metadata) does not contain any information that might reveal the authors' 
identity, e.g., author names, project names, links to project websites, own 
publications. Submissions that are not in line with these conditions of 
anonymity will be rejected and excluded from the review. All contributing 
authors should be added in the metadata of the submission system. There is a 
limit of two submissions per corresponding/first author. Please be aware that 
you cannot apply for both Call for Poster Presentations (as corresponding/first 
author) and Call for Speakers.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the programme committee 
and the review board. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present 
a poster at the conference. The most outstanding contributions can also be 
presented as short talk (15 min). The abstract, the poster, and the short talk 
must be submitted and presented in English.

To also contribute to the Open Science movement, the programme committee will 
publish the scientific justification for acceptance on the conference website. 
All accepted abstracts as well as corresponding posters and short talks will be 
displayed on the conference website. Posters and short talk presentations must 
be licensed at least as CC-BY 4.0.

Please send your submission as PDF document via EasyChair (requires free 
EasyChair account): https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=osc2020

Important dates

*         Abstract submission deadline: 11 October 2019

*         Notification of acceptance / rejection: 9 December 2019

*         Final submission of abstract: 17 January 2020

*         Submission for free poster printing service (optional): 14 February 

*         Final submission of poster and short talks: 28 February 2020

*         Conference date: 11-12 March 2020, Berlin, Germany

Call for Speakers
Carefully selected plenary talks given by international experts are an 
essential part of the conference programme. Speakers are invited by the 
programme committee. With this call we invite you to apply for a plenary talk 
at the conference. Talks should address Open Science aspects on a broader level 
and cover topics including (but not limited to):

*         Resume on open science practices and their application and acceptance 
in scientific communities

*         Overview on existing research on the scientific benefit of open 
science practices and their impact in society

*         Overview on open science education and science communication to the 
broad public
Please submit your application as PDF including an outline of your talk and the 
benefit for the conference (not more than 500 words) as well as title, CV 
(including talks as invited speaker), affiliation, and contact details.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the programme 
committee. Authors of accepted applications will be invited to give a plenary 
talk (30min) at the conference. The application and talk must be in English. 
The presentation must be licensed at least as CC-BY 4.0. Travel expenses 
including conference fees and accommodation costs are covered. Please be aware 
that you cannot apply for both Call for Speakers and Call for Poster 
Presentations (as corresponding/first author).

Please send your application as PDF document to 

Important dates

*         Abstract submission deadline: 11 October 2019

*         Notification of acceptance / rejection: 9 December 2019

*         Conference date: 11-12 March 2020, Berlin, Germany

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