
Your example is completely right. For me today, one of the biggest
problem hindering the progress to find a cure for the covid19 disease is
related to copyright. I would therefore like to search for all articles
that match "copyright" and "disease", or "copyright" and "virus" or
"copyright" and "cure" and many other combination.

Please let me know where I can find enough information to start to use
the software you are working on.

Best regards,


Le 1/04/20 à 11:43, Peter Murray-Rust a écrit :
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 6:34 AM Thomas Krichel <
> <>> wrote:
> <> writes
>       In practice, I doubt that access to current research is such a big
>       issue "NOW" as libraries and open access advocates make it appear to
>       be. The average academic only reads about one hour a week.  In most
>       cases, if you know that a paper exist and who the author is, you can
>       contact the author to get the paper. Most authors will comply
>     because
>       they crave citations. The open access situation will improve anyway
>       as the virus crises in the long run will leave institutions too weak
>       to afford the journal subscription folly.
> The idea that readers want a single paper is absolutely out of date in
> the digital century. I want all information on "face mask"s - it's
> been requested by a Cambridge colleague. 
> >We need urgent expert help for two respiratory surgeons looking for evidence 
> >of mask effectiveness for typical procedures (collecting samples, 
> >intubation, and on to more invasive procedures). Happy to put experts in 
> >touch with them quickly. Evidence based, ideally peer reviewed rather than 
> >opinion. Thank you.
> Our system getpapers+AMI downloaded and analysed over 300 papers for
> this query in 5 minutes.
> See 
> and
> for the
> actual papers. Anyone can do this on their laptop. For free. (If
> anyone says "what about Copyright"?  I'll raise the ghost of Queen
> Anne and her wrath. Copyright has no place in modern
> science/medicine).Except they won't get most of the relevant papers
> from Springer, Elsevier, T+F, Wiley, Sage, JSTOR, as my software does
> not go behind paywalls.
> It's more than that. Suppose I want all drugs related to chloroquine.
> The hydroxy derivative is called Plaquenil. I didn't know that. But
> the software developed by my group in Cambridge DOES know that. So we
> need to build an index of the chemistry in the literature.
> If we do that we'll have a lawyer's letter from Elsevier or Wiley in 5
> minutes and have my university banning me from Knowledge research,
> (Don't think it doesn't happen - it does -
> see 
>  for
> what they did to Chris Hartgerink , a PhD researcher at Tilburg,
> working on reproducible research. And I have other anecdotal evidence
> which I can't share.) .
> Again,
> Don't dictate what we want. Let us search the whole literature freely.
> Then we may need a new generation of publisher tools. And if you
> publishers actually have something to offer it will be decided on
> merit, not lawyers. 
> P.
> -- 
> "I always retain copyright in my papers, and nothing in any contract I
> sign with any publisher will override that fact. You should do the same".
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
> Unilever Centre, Dept. Of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-763069
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