Thank you, Kathleen. COAR's leadership is very much appreciated!


Lindsey MacCallum (she/her)
Archives and Scholarly Communications Librarian
Liaison Librarian to the Humanities
Mount Saint Vincent University Library
166 Bedford Highway, Halifax NS  B3M 2J6
Phone: (902) 457-6402
Note that I generally observe email-free evenings and weekends.

The Mount Library & Archives are situated in K'jipuktuk, Mi’kma’ki, the 
ancestral, unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq.
From: <> on 
behalf of Kathleen Shearer <>
Sent: April 15, 2020 11:52 AM
To: <>; Global Open Access List 
(Successor of AmSci) <>
Subject: [SCHOLCOMM] Fostering Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Communications: A 
Call for Action

(Apologies for the cross posting)

Dear all,

Today, my colleagues and I are issuing a “Call for Action!”

With the publication of this paper, Fostering Bibliodiversity in Scholarly 
Communications: A Call for 
 we are calling on the community to make concerted efforts to develop strong, 
community-governed infrastructures that support diversity in scholarly 
communications (referred to as bibliodiversity).

Diversity is an essential characteristic of an optimal scholarly communications 
system. Diversity in services and platforms, funding mechanisms, and evaluation 
measures will allow the research communications to accommodate the different 
workflows, languages, publication outputs, and research topics that support the 
needs and epistemic pluralism of different research communities. In addition, 
diversity reduces the risk of vendor lock-in, which inevitably leads to 
monopoly, monoculture, and high prices.

We are living through unprecedented times, with a global pandemic sweeping the 
world, leading to illness, death, and unparalleled economic upheaval.  Although 
our concerns about bibliodiversity have been growing for years, the current 
crisis has exposed the deficiencies in a system that is increasingly homogenous 
and prioritizes profits over the public good.

Stories abound about the urgent need for access to the research literature, as 
illustrated, for example, by this message by Peter Murray-Rust 
posted<> to 
the GOAL mailing list on March 31, 2020

“My colleague, a software developer, working for free on openVirus software,  
is spending most of his time working making masks in Cambridge Makespace to 
ship to Addenbrooke’s hospital. When he goes to the literature to find 
literature on masks, their efficacy and use and construction he finds paywall 
after paywall after paywall after paywall ….”

For those who were not in favour of open access before, this global crisis 
should settle the debate once and for all.

We must move away from a pay-to-read world in which researchers, practitioners 
and the public cannot afford to access critical research materials, or have to 
wait for embargo periods to lift before they can develop life saving 
techniques, methods and vaccines. Access to the research is simply too 
important. Yet, pay-to-publish, the open access model being advanced by many in 
the commercial sector, is also inappropriate as it places unacceptable 
financial barriers on researchers’ abilities to publish.

It is time to reassess some of the basic assumptions related to scholarly 
communications, including competition, prestige, and the role of commercial 
entities. The same values that underlie our research and education systems 
should also guide research communications.

To that end, we are calling on researchers, policy makers, funders, service 
providers, universities and libraries from around the world to work together to 
address the issue of bibliodiversity in scholarly communication.

The problems we encounter have never been more complex and urgent, nor has the 
need for solutions been greater. There is a real danger that new budget 
constraints and an increasing proportion of funds directed towards large 
commercial entities could lead to greater homogeneity and monopolization, 
further hampering the free flow of research needed to address the critical 
challenges we face.

Read the blog post 
 and full paper here<>

Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)<>

GOAL mailing list

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