
I recieved this message from three friends on one day. Thought I would share it 
with you ...after a wonderful picnic at Vainguinim beach.

It took 20 years to open a 2 metres wide path to the beach through Government 
aquired land!

Mog asundi


 While life in the twenty-first century brings unprecedented
 efficiency, it also brings an overwhelming urgency. This lifestyle makes it 
easy to forget that greatness takes time. We want everything in the here
 and now – right here, right now. With improvements in technology
 occurring daily, it only makes sense that we feel entitled to have things
  immediately. And when frustrations mount because life isn't happening
 fast enough, it's nice to bring a little humor into the equation.

 The late George Carlin once said, "When someone is impatient and says, `I 
haven't got all day,' I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have 
all day?" 

Truly magnificent structures, natural wonders, and rare
 marvels are only here because of what we call "the power of 10%"
 – small changes taking place over time. What we see now in
 this world is the result of centuries upon centuries of work.    
 Look  at the pearl. What was once a mere piece of sand within the folds of the 
mollusk becomes a precious gemstone.

 Examples abound of small actions, over time, producing sights which are truly 
impressive to behold … results which can truly stagger the mind.. 

Want to increase the chances that you'll achieve the success we all desperately 
want and need? Begin today to invest just 10% more time in those things that 
are important to you. The dividends you'll receive from small changes made over 
days, weeks, and months will be worth the wait.
 Remember: Whether eroding rock or growing money, greatness takes time! 

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