Fred says: "Misuse of the Press is not, and can never be, justified. On whatever grounds. Yet we, who work in the Press, know that this happens *all* the time. This is the *reality*."

In my book when one talks about "reality" it is rationalisation. Because reality is a subjective matter. I also think that one who rationalises one set of actions has a substantially reduced right to criticise similar set of actions done by another person in another situation.

I would once again like to repeat what the Prof Amartya Sen has to say: "Indeed, voting is only one way--though certainly a very important way--of making public discussions effective, when the opportunity to vote is combined with the opportunity to speak, and to listen, without fear. The force and the reach of elections depend critically on the opportunity for open public discussion."

Once again, too, I would like to apologise to being a parrot.

Sachin Phadte.

Celebrate Shakti. Send money to loved ones in India. Have a joyous Navratri.

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