On 9 Dec 2003 18:40:41 -0000, "Jerry  Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks like we haven’t changed much at all, the title which is most appropriate
for us as SUSEGAD GOEMKAR is perfect fit, kam nam muntoch kam kortat munn
dakouea. Great Bosco, you are perfectly right in what you have written.  Not
only shiv sena, but also BJP, who seem to be experts in changing names, India
became Hindustan, and I have yet to hear any foreigner using that word, Bombay
became Mumbai, and again I have yet to hear it from foreigners and finally now
Goa, wonder after the names of the roads, what will be the term coined for GOA.
And the only people who seem to fight for it are BJP followers. Wonder why these
names were never changed in 1961 or soon after that? May be the people who are
interested in changing it were followers of nakrasura (spelling error?) the
sleeping brother of Ravana, and suddenly they have woken to show the Goans that
they are the workers of Goa and all others are susegad goemkars.

Thanks to Jack Sequeira, and his United Goans Party, that we are still Goans, if
not long back we would have been Maharashtrians, and our language would not have
been Konkani, but Marathi, good for all the devanagri speakers. Which inspite of
being compulsory in Goans schools for government grant, is hardly utilized. I
have never heard my nephews and nieces speak it but speak the Konkani which we
speak. I am sure the present chief minister was educated in English medium and
hence now holding high chair and making others lives miserable.


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