I thought members on this list would be interested in this interview of our ex-Governor.

Sachin Phadte


Subject: Should the Governor be a snob?
Author: B Krishnakumar
Publication: The Week
Date: December 14, 2003

Maharashtra Governor Mohammed Fazal obvi­ously does not think that the Raj Bhavan is a place to lead a "retired life". He has been an activist Governor-be it his intervention in the state government's attempt to take over the Shirdi Temple Trust or the drought issue.

When an ordinance to take over the Shirdi Temple Trust was sent to Fazal, he sent it back, asking the government to get a bill passed in the Assembly. The bill was subsequently withdrawn. "Governments should not go around managing masjids and mandirs," he says.

Similarly, he has taken keen interest in touring drought-hit districts. His monitoring has unsettled some politicians. Though Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde has not said anything about the Governor, Agriculture Minister Govindrao Adik expressed unhappiness at his intervention. State Congress president Ranjit Deshmukh told The Week that it seemed like a parallel government. "He is not the executive boss," Deshmukh said. "If he finds certain lapses in the administration he should call the chief minister and the chief secretary and discuss with them."

But the Governor does not seem to mind a little bit of controversy.

Excerpts from an interview:

Q.: You have been Governor for over a year. When did you feel the need to pop up the state administration?

A.: When I was invited to be Governor, I told the powers-that-be that I must be useful. Being useful and being interfering are two distinct things. When I was Governor in Goa, I sent back a bill which reduced the prohibition time on fishing, after consulting experts. In Goa, I told them that the state must emerge as one of the best. I am giving the same message in Maharashtra. In my first address to the Assembly I said that there was no use having a photograph of Shivaji Maharaj in my room unless you believed in those ideals.... I am trying to work according to my conscience.

Q.: You sound like an activist Governor.

A.: What is wrong if I interact with people? Should I sit in an ivory tower and take my salary? It is not about being active or non-active. I am doing my duty to the state.

Q.: The Governor's post is usually con­sidered to he ceremonial.

A.: What the politicians expect I am not... If I think that they are in the wrong I will try to educate them, convince them and talk to them. If the politicians expect that I should not go to any university, they are mistaken. I am the chancellor of the universities and I like to meet the students, the faculty and the vice-chancellor. I want to improve the quality of education.

Q.: Your assessment of the grim drought situation in Maharashtra has made some Congress leaders complain that you are being intrusive.

A.: Even as an ordinary citizen I should go and see what is happening to my fellow citizens. I am going to all districts of Maharashtra to see the ground realities. In the meeting of political leaders and the heads of chambers of commerce, I had praised the government's role. If I were to see that the Marine Drive is on fire, should I return to the solitude and quietness of the Raj Bhavan? I should extinguish it if I can.

Q.: You have formed committees to study education-related issues and the drought. Normally the Governor should discuss such things with the chief minister and the chief secretary.

A.: I discussed it in depth with the chief minister. He is a very fine person and so are most of his cabinet colleagues. I have never done anything out of turn and am not imposing my will. When I formed the committee, a neutral forum, I had the consent of the chief minister. The idea was to bring to the attention of the people, through the leaders of industry and political parties, the gravity of the situation and to solicit their help. in such a situation you can't close any door.

Q.: Some ministers Say that the Centre's treatment of Maharashtra in the drought issue was stepmotherly.

A.: I do not know the ministers who said so, but I think they are misinformed. I have written to the Centre and they responded that they were considering the issue. I have asked for extra foodgrain. They have already sanctioned two lakh tonnes. This is not stepmotherly treatment.

Q.: You have touched on important issues like 100 Per cent housing for police­men.

A.: I am asking a straight question. Who raised Dawood Ibrahim? He is a policeman's son. The family was living in a chawl. What would you expect of a person living in a chawl? Would you expect him to be the chief minister or a great writer? Perhaps if he had lived in better surroundings he would not have become a gangster. The police are living in chawls. I am not talking out of turn. I have made a suggestion to the state government and the chief minister's response has been quite positive.

Q.: Political motives are being attrib­uted to you. Your closeness to the BJP is also being talked about.

A.: The Governor is not a member of a political party. Incidentally, it is the NDA government which is ruling at the Centre and not a BJP government. I have taken my oath in the name of my God... This is a democracy and each one of us has to contribute.

The question is what you mean by an active or proactive Governor. Once I was travelling in my car through Chowpatty in Mumbai and a couple was driving alongside on a motorcycle. They waved at me and I opened the window and waved at them. Some days later I received a letter from them. They said they were moved and would like to visit me. They were amazed that a Governor waved to ordinary mortals. People can say it is out of protocol. What is protocol? Should the Governor be a snob? I don't belong to that class.

Q.: How has been the response of Chief Minister Shinde to Your directives?

A.: It's not directive? It's my suggestion... Both former chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and Sushilkumar Shinde have been very nice and kind. After all, I am not serving poison to them.

Q.: Will you continue with the proactive role in case the chief minister or the cabinet objects to its

A.: I don't think they will take that position. They are intelligent, well-educated and well-meaning people. If they take that position I will meet them to sort out their objections.

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