
What are the implications of Congress Party's defeat in the recent Assembly
polls in M.P., Rajasthan and Chattisgarh ?

What are the prospects of a Third Front in this context ?

What lessons should the Congress Party in Goa draw , especially regarding
their infighting,  exclusive focus on "communalism" (when they are not
fighting among themselves) , and a  total lack of alternative economic
policies ?

What could be the role of  other opposition parties in Goa ?

Please read the following interview with Prakash Karat , Polit Bureau Member
of the Communist Party of India (Marxist ).

Thalmann Pradeep Pereira
Vasco-da-Gama, Goa.


            Volume 20 - Issue 26,
            December 20, 2003 - January 02, 2004


                        `The primary task is to defeat the BJP'

                            Interview with Prakash Karat

                                 by  V. Shridhar

                Prakash Karat, a Polit Bureau member of the Communist Party
      India (Marxist), believes that the recent defeat of the Congress(I) in
      three north Indian States reflects the electorate's anger at poor
      governance. He argues that the Congress(I), by pursuing the same
      implemented by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government at the Centre
      alienated itself from the people. Recently in Chennai to attend the
      national conference of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), he
      to V. Sridhar. Excerpts from the interview:

      Q (1) :     How do you assess the Congress(I)'s defeat in the
      recent round of Assembly elections?

      A:     The Congress(I) has suffered a setback in the
      elections. The people of these States have rejected the performance of
      Congress(I)-led governments. That is the main reason for the defeat of
      Congress(I). The BJP has benefited from the discontent created by the
      policies pursued by the three Congress(I)-led governments in
      Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. In Madhya Pradesh particularly, the
      sweeping victory came after 10 years of Congress(I) rule. It was very
      evident during the election campaign that the Digvijay Singh
      had become very unpopular. Even basic facilities such as power and
      were in bad shape.

      Q (2) :     What are the implications of the verdict?

      A:    The defeat of the Congress(I) should not be seen as
      an endorsement of the policies of the BJP. There are reasons for the
      rejection of the Congress(I). For example, in Madhya Pradesh, which
      suffered from an acute power crisis, all sections of the people voted
      against the Congress(I). The Digvijay Singh government has essentially
      followed the same policies initiated by the Vajpayee government in the
      power sector. I think there has been a two-party situation in these
      northern States. It has been quite natural that when the voters reject
      party in power they bring back the Opposition party, which is either
      Congress(I) or the BJP.

      Q (3) :     But this did not happen in Delhi.

      A:     Delhi being the capital does not conform to the
      normal situation. The State is subjected to special provisions. I
      all State governments have serious financial problems because of more
      a decade of liberalisation and because of the withdrawal of funds by
      Centre. Most of the States are therefore unable to fulfil the
      of the people. Delhi, being the capital and a part of the National
      Region, does not fall in the same category. Delhi, therefore, does not
      suffer the handicap that most State governments suffer from. Most
      governments are facing a severe resource crunch. Delhi, being the
      has escaped that fate. Overall, I think the Congress(I) is primarily
to be
      blamed for what has happened.
             Much is being made by the BJP that it won the elections
      on the "development" plank. I think that is a bit of a myth. If we
      closely at the results, one of the other reasons for the victory of
      BJP in the three States is the big success that it has achieved in the
      tribal areas in all the three States. It has been noticed that out the
      seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes in the three States, the BJP has
      76. This is primarily a victory for the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh
      and its outfits, which have worked in the tribal areas. That is
      at work. The sweeping victory shows that a lot of work has been put
in. I
      do not want to go into the details, but everybody knows what kind of
      they do in the tribal areas.
           I do not think that the results are purely a question of
      the BJP winning the elections on the development plank, or what the
      Central government has performed. Two factors have definitely played a
      role in the elections. One is the discontent against the existing
      governments - what is called the anti-incumbency factor. The other
      has been the BJP's use of the organisational resources of the RSS. Of
      course, the use of a lot of money has also played a role.

      Q (4) :     What do the results imply for the CPI(M) and other
      Left parties, particularly with the general elections due within a
      from now?

      A:     The first thing to realise is that the results
      portend a greater thrust by the communal forces. It will embolden the
      forces in the Sangh combine, which have been arguing for the
deployment of
      a more aggressive agenda. We have already seen glimpses of that, even
      states where no elections are due. In Karnataka, for instance, there
      been the incidents relating to the Bababudangiri dargah issue. There
      been a series of communal incidents recently in Uttar Pradesh too. I
      the first thing to recognise is that the success of the BJP will
      the pressure to push forward the agenda of the RSS and the BJP. This
      what should be the foremost concern to the CPI(M) and the Left
      The tactics to be adopted in the forthcoming parliamentary elections
      to flow from this understanding. How do we meet the challenge of the
      which is flush with the success in thee Assembly elections and which
      continue to maintain the cover of the National Democratic Alliance,
      seeking to use it as a springboard for furthering the Hindutva agenda.
      There will be no change in the approach of the Left parties. Our
      task remains the defeat of the BJP and its alliance in the
      elections. But there is still quite some time before we arrive at
      tactics for this. There are the elections in Andhra Pradesh and
      there may be one or two more assembly elections. We have to wait and
      before we work out concrete electoral tactics. But definitely, there
      be no change from our stand that the primary task is to work for the
      defeat of the BJP and its allies. The Left parties are in constant
      consultation and we have to take stock of the developing situation.
           In Andhra Pradesh there is going to be an alliance
      between the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the BJP. We are still in the
      process of working out how we will intervene in the situation in the
      State. That ought to be finalised by the end of December or early
      We are talking in particular to the CPI about our tactics. The broader
      Left platform in Andhra Pradesh is unlikely to be converted into an
      electoral alliance. Our position vis-a-vis the Congress(I) is that
      we cannot have an alliance with it. But we are discussing how to work
      suitable tactics in Andhra Pradesh so that the TDP-BJP alliance does
      benefit from the division of the secular vote.

      Q (5) :     Does that mean seat adjustments?

      A:     I do not know what we can do because there are many
      factors that remain to be taken into account. The Telengana Rashtriya
      Samiti is also in the fray. What is going to be its role? What is
going to
      be the attitude of different political parties on the question of a
      separate Telengana? We are still talking about these matters.

      Q (6) :     At the last Party Congress of the CPI(M) the party had
      formulated a strategy that stated that the first priority was to keep
      BJP away from power. The CPI(M) also said that the party "could have
      truck with the Congress(I)." Has this position changed?

      A:     The first part is right. The priority is to fight the
      BJP. But we did not formulate anything which stated that we would not
      any truck with the Congress(I). In fact, we said that we will not have
      alliance or a united front with the Congress(I), but on issues we will
      cooperate with the Congress(I). We recognised that a number of issues
      come up both inside and outside Parliament, which are important for
      mobilisation of all secular and democratic forces. We can extend
      to the Congress(I) on issues on which they adopt a correct stand. But
      will not extend into a full-fledged electoral alliance or united
      But we also stated at our party Congress that we have to mobilise all
      secular and democratic forces to isolate the BJP. We have to see how
      can translate this in the field of elections.

      Q (7) :     The Congress(I) has suffered a major setback.
      Infighting is rampant in the party. Does the situation seem ominous
      the Indian polity?

      A:     We have always said that the Congress(I) has in no
      way different economic policies than the BJP. That is its strategic
      defect. The other thing is that although it is a secular party, it
      not seem to fulfil that potential as a secular party. It constantly
      to compromise and give in to communal pressures. We saw that happening
      Madhya Pradesh. At the same time the Congress(I) has a big following,
      which has to be mobilised in the fight against the communal forces.
      is a dilemma for us. The Congress(I)'s class character and the
policies it
      pursues does not provide much affinity to the CPI(M) and the Left.
      However, the Congress(I) is the main Opposition party. We have to take
      that into account. Apart from this, there is also the fact that the
      is in direct conflict with the Congress(I) in West Bengal, Tripura and
      Kerala where we are the major force; after all, the Congress(I) does
      everything to weaken us in these States. But we have a national
      understanding, which does not prevent us from understanding that the
      threat is from the BJP and its allies.

      Q (8) :     What are the possibilities for a third front? At the
      last Party Congress the CPI(M) observed that the Indian polity was
      "deep churning". How do you read the situation today, and what are the
      implications for the evolution of a third front?

      A:     We have to start with the realisation that there is
      no third force or combination available today. Such a force is not
even in
      the process of being forged. It is a different matter that we firmly
      believe that the Indian polity cannot be straitjacketed into a
      framework. There is an effort by the BJP to present itself as the only
      party, which can rule this country. The Congress(I) has also tried the
      same but has obviously failed. This effort to try and present a
      system is something we do not go for. There are a large number of
      which are outside this framework and will remain so. We will have to
      consider how many of these forces can be rallied in time for
      some sort of viable alliances during the elections. This is something
      will explore, but I am not sure how it will shape up.

      Q (9) :     It is evident that although there is greater scope for
      unity among secular parties in engaging the communal forces, most
      appear to have an ambivalent attitude towards the process of economic
      liberalisation, which appears to have gathered momentum during the
      tenure. Apart from the Congress(I) and the BJP, even the old allies of
      Left, such as the Samajwadi Party, appear to be not only hobnobbing
      the communal parties but also seem to have to have compromised with
      forces promoting economic liberalisation. Your comments.

      A:     I do not think this is a new phenomenon. Most of the
      non-Left parties, at the all-India and the regional levels, do not
      our outlook as far as economic policies are concerned. We know that
      have taken that into account. In certain areas, when these parties are
      Opposition, they take a stand against certain policies. But they
      the same policy when they assume power. This applies to most regional
      parties too. That is not a matter that concerns us greatly. What
      us is that a number of regional parties, which have a record of
      secular policies, tend to ally with the BJP in order to further their
      immediate interests. To put it strongly, this is called opportunism.
      is one reason why the third combination has not emerged in recent
      But I think a party like the Samajwadi Party, given its base and
record in
      Uttar Pradesh, will find it extremely difficult to compromise on the
      question of communalism.
           We will approach the question of an alternative front at
      two levels. We are not in a hurry and we will not form a front
      prematurely. A front will need to have a minimum programme or
      understanding. We learnt from past experience that there is no use
      together a front hastily. However, electoral alliances are temporary.
      will have to be realistic and see how we can rally the maximum number
      forces in a particular State or at the all-India level to achieve our
      immediate purpose. We should make a distinction between the formation
      electoral alliances and fronts. We should not mix the two.

                        Copyright © 2003, Frontline

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