From:  "jude_ferrao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Sun Feb 8, 2004  7:08 am
Subject:  agent for portuguese nationality 

Hi folks,

Could somebody pls suggest a reliable agent for
applying for Portuguese Nationality. Would be most

Advance thanks.


Dear Jude,

It is refreshing to read that someone is actually
seeking Portuguese nationality as opposed to just
asking about "how to obtain a Portuguese passport".

May I ask if you are 

1. Applying for Portuguese nationality   or
2. Applying to reaffirm you Portuguese nationality

3. Born in Goa and other parts of India or Born Abroad
4. Born in Goa before 1961 or after

May I suggest that the term "reliable agent" for
applying for Portuguese Nationality - is an oxymoron?

Apply yourself! and directly to the Consulate.

Expect two pitfalls (at least):

1. a merry go round in Goa
2. a distrust (in Lisbon) of India-issued documents.
There have been many many many Fake certificates from

here is a good article on the subject

good luck


PS: I hope you realise that a Portuguese passport is
not very useful UNLESS one is appropriately qualified
to compete on the open market in the West OR one is
independently wealthy. In the latter case, one will be
in fairly good shape anywhere one goes.

If all is au fait with your certificates etc
will find most Portuguese Consulates (in the West)
quite helpful.

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