Goa's Airport Situation
Brian Antao

Goa's only airport situated in Dabolim has drawn quite a bit of debate, 
as the Indian Navy owns it. Apparently the Navy now wants full control 
of the airport leaving Goa with no airport for civilian transportation. 
We thought India was a full-fledged democracy, and one does not 
expect the Indian armed forces to usurp much needed civilian facilities 
for its military use. What are we to expect next? A Military coup a.k.a 
Pakistan with one of India's top military generals positioning himself as 
the new president of the country. 

Goa is a thriving tourist, cultural and now a business hub. It is crucial 
for Goa to have a centrally located airport of international standards. 
And the current Dabolim airport is perhaps situated at the most 
optimal location in Goa, making it most accessible to Goans from all 
over the state. In addition there is a lot of surrounding land at the 
Dabolim airport that can be easily acquired to build on the core 
infrastructure and develop the airport into a full-fledged civilian 
international airport.

The alternate plans that the Goa government has been mulling on 
building a new airport at Mopa, is not the best strategic solution. 
Firstly Mopa is situated at northern tip of the state, which will 
inconvenience majority of Goans in terms of accessibility. Besides this 
new airport in Mopa, which began on paper quite a few years ago, is 
still a pipe dream, and would involve a lot of expenditure from the 
state government exchequer. Goa has been selected as the permanent 
venue for the IFFI, but the central government has not really allocated 
much of a budget to the Goa government for developing infrastructure 
for hosting the IFFI, (except for the convention center) and most of 
the expenditure is coming from the state government. The CM needs 
to ask the Central government to at the very least cost-share in the 
expenses involved in building the permanent infrastructure for IFFI.

In terms of the Goa airport situation, apparently the Goa government 
has acquired land at Mopa for building a new airport. Perhaps the best 
win-win situation would be for the Goa government to give the land 
acquired at Mopa to the Indian Navy and in exchange the Goa 
Government gets full control of the Dabolim airport and it is developed 
into a complete commercial airport. Whatever funds are earmarked for 
building a new airport at Mopa, can be better utilized at building a 
bigger international airport at Dabolim, as the core infrastructure 
already exists. Another incentive for the Navy to move its base to 
Mopa is that, the Dabolim location has already been in the public eye. 
At Mopa, the Indian Navy can build an ultra-modern facility that is 
secure and a top-secret one!

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