Church built on Temple?
Santosh Helekar:
This is a thread wherein I support Gilbert's quest to find out the 
truth - to ask the Goan journalists, GoaNetters and other such amateur
historians to prove the claims made by professional historians, and then
revise Goan history if these folks are unable to provide the relevant

Arre whaat to do if the Goan historians will jusht nat help? You quoted
Pirolkar's work. So I suppose you have his book. Machem, please post the
inquisition statistics from his book. Not his case selections. This will
resolve soglem confusaum. Dev borem korum. 

You are truly as much interested as me in unearthing the data on the
inquisition as it applies to Goa and publicizing them. Can I presume
that if you do not place those statistics from Pirolkar's book then the
book does not have any statistics? Mog assundi!

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