TidBits - Mhapsa Fest is still on.

Mhapsa Fest has long since ended but the  reverberations on account of which
are still being felt. Per se, the fest was a very good idea. The controversy
started when I voiced my displeasure of the fest being called the Mhapsa
Fest.  According to me, Mhapsa was definitely Marathi sounding since the
name of this town has always been spelled as Mapusa.

Miguel Braganza, who was one of the main organizers of the Fest took offence
to my saying what I had said and there was a lot bile flowing on the net on
account of that for a while before all became  quiet and normal.

I happened to see Mhapsa Fest surfacing once again through the Herald's
"Reader Speak" captioned "MORE ON THE RECENT MHAPSA FEST" (Herald  4 March,
2004), by a senior citizen of ward 5 of Mapusa. Glad to note that  I was not
the only one to object to 'Mhapsa' the incident was forgotten once read.

However, I was not surprised to see Miguel, at his best, retaliating the
above through the "Reader Speak" of March 11, 2004 captioned  "JUST
CRITICISM? DO SOMETHING BETTER" On going through the piece, I felt a bit
uneasy. There was something in this piece which seem to be not just right.
Therefore, I looked up March 4 paper and went through the senior citizen's
piece again. And there it was. The senior citizen had never mentioned
anything about drug addicts. But Miguel had specifically castigated the
senior citizen over drug addicts,  Quote -Let him do his "Lenten repentance"
or go searching for the drug addicts in the park with a lantern- Unquote. I
generally took it as Miguel's  imaginations running wild and  accusing
someone for things he has not said . And I  promptly forgot all about the
whole thing.

Until yesterday, when I attended a meeting of a group of Mapsekars of which
I am also a member.  And since I had met Miguel once at such a meeting, I
casually mentioned about the above letters I had read in Herald . To my
surprise,  the senior citizen who had written the letter to Herald actually
was present for the meeting. And he went one step ahead and showed  me the
letter that he had posted to the Herald. And voila, the drug addicts did
figure in his letter. I asked the senior citizen "Did you also post this
letter to Miguel Braganza?".  "No " he said.  "Then how come he writes about
the drug addicts when nothing is mentioned of it in the Herald's print
version?"  I asked.   He just shrugged and said " Maybe Miguel got to read
my letter to Herald through his good offices with the Herald's Staff"  To
that I said "It is highly unethical of Herald, or even of Miguel for that
matter,  to do that, even through friendly relations". "And it amounts to
the  abuse of such relations".

Floriano Lobo

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