Tariq Siddiqui:
What research? ....

Why do I get the feeling that Gilbert Lawrence is going to win this
prize hands down? Perhaps if I want to give myself a chance I must start
some revisionist history myself. ....

Tariq 'complains bitterly' about his inability to lay his hands on David
Goldstein's book about the inquisition and the Muslim-Jewish
relationships in the Middle Ages.... and the many references Goldstein
quoted to support his conclusions. What a pity! :=)))

Question: Is there a Muslim-Jewish collusion not to make available some
constructive and sympathetic Catholic writings? :=)) Jusht a speculation
and conjecture. :=))) 

Tariq, how about posting some statistics on Jewish and Crypto-Jewish
immigration and their victimization in Goa 1550-1800? Ok! let's make it
simple: How about posting any statistical data you have about the
inquisition in Goa. No editorials or one liners please. You are smarter
than that. Now if you write to me, "Do the work yourself" .... then you
(and others with opinions like yours) may want to hold off your opinions
till you get your independent statistics of the Inquisition in Goa to
back your attitudes. :=)) My statistics are/will be on the net. Sorry
they do not agree with yours - That's of course if you have any.

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