Gilbert responds:
The reference (and the part in quote) refers to the Portuguese captain
who undertook the burning and destruction of the temples supposedly to
convert the Hindus to Catholics. 

The questions I have why would we analyze history against logic?  Now if
the burning was to somehow counteract counterterrorism or foreign
invasion, there may be some explanation. But then are we not stretching
the burning to connect it to the Catholic Church by connecting it to the
church building? 

This is like connecting Hitler's actions of the war and the Jewish
genocide to the Catholic Church.... which some do. The Catholic Church
(except at some individual levels) in recent history in the main does
its best to deal with morality as it sees it. Unfortunately precisely
those who accuse the Catholic Church of not doing enough then go out and
themselves and do not listen to the Catholic Church. The best example is
the same Jewish leaders (those above) care 'two hoots' about the stand
on the Catholic Church for the need for a homeland for the Palestinians.

Sachin Phadte
First I must say that I am offended when Gilbert says: "As anyone (with
functioning brain cells) would tell that one cannot convert the mind and
heart of others by engaging in these barbaric acts."  I am offended with
words in brackets.

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