I receive endless material via Goanet which I read selectively. Consequently, a lot is unread and discarded at the touch of a button under MY control i.e. not under somebody else's control.

Thus, I would never support the view, implicit in your post, that some material normally received on Goanet should face a form of censorship even if the discussion seems endless at times. Clearly, one person's meat is another person's poison, but such is life and the silence from 7000 odd Goanetters not responding to your specifiic view is surely an answer in itself! Therefore, please let us have inclusionary persuasion among Goanetters, and not exclusionary practice under any pretext even if this were possible.

One fear I have, but whether warranted or not, I do not know, is that the 'confining agenda' for Goanet you seem to propose, could kill off Goanet's vibrancy.

However, I entirely accept that your suggestions for more specifiic Goan newsworthy type of items are right, and hopefully, further suggestions will be added to your list.

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