<So we have an average 42% capacity utilisation of seats.
Is 42% considered 'successful' in the Movie Theatre Industry?

(Of course every movie I have been for had less than 25% of the seats
occupied but then maybe I went for the wrong shows -Cecil)

Rs. 2,00,000/- is collected from 3,000 viewers every day. That means each
viewer pays an average of Rs. 67/-. Strangely every show I have been for has
been priced at above Rs. 100/-. But then again maybe I go for the wrong
shows.> [Cecil Pinto, Jan 27]

What if there was a simple typo and it should read 2000 instead of 3000.
Then, hey presto!,  we would have Rs 100 per viewer and 28% capacity
utilisation, both of which correspond with your personal experience!

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