Dussehra celebrated in Goa

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji Oct 12: Religious ceremonies in temple towns, worshiping of
vehicles, machines and farming tools, and launch of new establishments
marked the Dussehra celebrations in Goa today.

A colourful immersion processions of idols of the deities � Kalimata,
Mahishasura Mardini, Mahalaxmi � were taken out in major towns amidst
beating of traditional drums, thus ending the nine-day Navratra
celebrations. Though there were rains in Panaji, the festive spirit of
the devotees was not dampened as the immersion procession of goddess
Kalimata went unhampered from the main streets of Panaji, accompanied
with band.

Many schools performed Saraswati pujan in their schools and other
cultural institutions, where children presented colourful cultural

PTI adds: Huge idols of goddess Durga were immersed in rivers and
large effigies of demon kings Ravana, his son, and brother went up in
flames marking the victory of good over evil as Dussehra, one of the
most popular festivals, was celebrated all over the country.

In eastern India, the day began with the dashami puja worship of
Durga, with devotees offering flowers and smearing the idol with
vermilion, before taking the goddess in a procession for immersion.

The police in Kolkata had made elaborate arrangements for immersion of
hundreds of idols as a sea of humanity converged on the banks of the
Hoogly to bid farewell to Durga, marking the grand finale of the
five-day Puja festival.

Reports of immersion also came in from the capital and other cities
with large Bengali population even as some people have decided to
observe the festival tomorrow in view of difference in opinion over
the last day of the Puja.

In the north, a surcharged atmosphere of festivity pervaded all over
as people attired in their best came out in large numbers to see the
demon kings going up in flames to the chants of Jai Shree Ram at

In southern India, where the day is celebrated as vidyarambham or
initiation into the world of letters, thousands of children between
three and five years of age were taken to temples and cultural centres
where prominent people like former sprint queen, P T Usha led the

After invoking the goddess of learning Saraswati, the kids were helped
to write Hari... Sree... in rice-filled platters with the index

In some places in Kerala, churches also organised the vidyarambham
ceremony as the ritual has over the years assumed a secular dimension.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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