"Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: < I'm no lawyer, and have no specialist domain in this field. But it's time someone called this bluff... if we repeat it often enough, we just might get around to believing it. >

Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> responded:

1: < What bluff? That Goa was invaded? And annexed without the proper authority (i.e. without a plebiscite) ? >

2: <Kindly find the difference between "invasion" and "liberation">

3: < You will note that East Pakistan was "liberated" by the Indian Armed forces and Bangladesh created. Why was it not "incorporated" into India, like Goa was?>

4: < Many people in Goa do not talk these topics because:....the very same people, today aged 60 to 80........ always end up saying "what's the point? >

5. < The fact has been committed". But the point here, is to maintain history in its right perspective. >

=====   jc's response:

Dear Gabriel,

One quick point before the others: One does need to find a "difference" between Invasion and Liberation; Liberation can be brought about by an Invasion. Your question (I suggest) should have been:-> Liberation v Annexation. The two have different mindsets.(please see Dabolim comment infra)

Having said that:....

1: It is true that Goans were NEVER asked what they wanted. It is highly possible that a majority of Goans (in 1961) would (if given the choice) have voted to be a part of Nehru's India than of Salazar's Portugal.

2: I certainly know that my immediate family would have voted (if given the chance) to be OUT of Salazar's Portugal. I know many Portuguese families in Portugal who would have voted to be OUT of Salazar's Portugal.

3: Unfortunately, Goans were never given that choice. Why they were not given the choice is hardly debateable (as far as I am concerned) . It is my personal belief that Nehru did NOT trust Goans to give him the answer he would have liked. I invite those who disagree to give us the benefit of their wisdom.

4: When I look at the manner in which the Dabolim and Anjediva issues have been handled, It hardly looks like a "liberation".

when you have the time, please read http://www.colaco.net/1/TGFCommunalRiots.htm

5: Whatever we think .....and these are only Academic Exercises .... do think about "recent" actions for Liberations! That should help us ALL to put ideas and thoughts into perspective.

6: I say this from a (family circa 1961) point of view that Goa would definitely have been better off OUT of Salazar's Portugal - NOT from the benefit of hindsight and the mess that has been wrought on Goa 2006

7: I will let Fred Noronha speak for himself and his journalism. I 'have no specialist domain in that field'.

8: I personally admire Tony Correia-Afonso, and his principled life. It has ensured that he will NEVER to get elected in Goa (a pity). Accordingly, I do no wish to debate his views - except to say that I respect most of what Tonybab writes. The other "colaco" from Macau can debate TCA .....not moi.

I however wish to wonder loudly if Tony Correia-Afonso's idea of Goa's 'return to th motherland', is something which can be logically, technically and legally defended.

If one accepts that "motherland" is a political entity, and NOT a geographical one (like China is utilising wrt Tibet).....

Doesn't the motherland (as a political entity) have to be in existence BEFORE the child was in political existence, and NOT the other way about?

Unless....we are talking of Adoption here. Even that has strict guidelines. One can't just go about, grab a child and say "It's mine, mine, mine" ...can one?

That (among other things) Gabriel, will explain WHY East Pakistan was NOT annexable by India in 1972.

That too explains ...WHY the Andaman Islands are LEGALLY part of India. IF one uses, the Chinese model of "motherland", the Andamans would be part of Thailand, and East Timor of Indonesia.

You agree ...or not?

Anyway, It appears that I have exhausted my knowledge on this subject. Even so, I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say.

Please do so sans gratuity. I am merely interested in the Academics of the Issue. The rest is "fait accompli".

Nothing changes without violence. There is enough violence in this world. I am happy with Goa as it is. Don't wish any violence on our land and on our people.

Let all  the zhogddim be here in "words" only, please.

good wishes to all ...especially to those who disagree with my points of view.


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