Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Mervyn. The dictionary definition doesn't
> seem to support your
> basic contention. While it's not a matter of pride
> for anyone who's been
> through it (the process of defrocking), it seems
> like a purely technical description.
>    de·frock (dē-frŏk')
> tr.v., -frocked, -frock·ing, -frocks.
>    1. To strip of priestly privileges and functions.
>    2. To deprive of the right to practice a
> profession.
>    3. To deprive of an honorary position.

Your question did not come out of the blue.

You brought up the query AFTER Cris Vaz/Joy Braganza
described someone as "defrocked."

The person being labelled a "defrocked" priest is
actually an ex-priest. There is a difference. Everyone
who has met the ex-priest, describes him as the
perfect gentleman.

Chris Vaz/Joy Braganza is perfectly aware that the
ex-priest has not been "defrocked." To label him
"defrocked" when he is not, is derogatory.

"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their
right names." - Chinese proverb -

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