Hi Vivian,

  <On 4/28/06, Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading several representations and listening to a few folks, I have
> decided that better sense should prevail and I should refrain from getting
> involved in the Moira  imbroglio. After all I remind myself that I am
> not  an
> expert on pollution and noise levels and only , "fools rush in where
> angels
> fear to tread".>

 A wise decision Mwanainchi! For all your good intentions, you are too good
man to get yourself involved in this dirty war of attrition. Manuel
Caldeira, in all
the complaints engineered against him, is referred to as a "foreigner" and
would have suffered the same fate as soon as you stepped into the "ring".
And the persons calling Manuel Caldeira a foreigner are the likes of Matthew
Mendes, an East Indian from Bandra, and Sr. Udaya, from Mangalore and
parts beyond!

<My sense is that what is going on there is essentially a neighborhood
> issue.  I regret that somehow it has been aired on this forum. The folks
> impacted by whatever is going on should resolve the issue among themselves
> and
> not air their dirty linen on this forum.  That's my view.........fling
> your
> brickbats, I dont care.>

 I couldn't agree with you more! It is the unwritten rule that forum posts
should not
refer to persons who are not on the forum and therefore not in a position to
respond/defend themselves. But Nazar D'Silva blatantly abused this rule with
his April 19 post to favour Matthew Mendes, whom he hero-worships. And since
Manuel Caldeira is not a member of this forum, I took up the cudgels on his
But not before I ascertained that only a handful of people objected to what
was doing, or rather, was accused of doing. That these continuous
over a period of six months, are spurious can be judged by the fact that all
authorities, ranging from the police to the GSPCB, have repeatedly looked
the complaints and found them of no consequence!  In fact GSPCB has just
issued Manuel Caldeira its NOC.

And if the complaints about pollution and noise were genuine, why resort to
complaining to other authorities like the Income Tax Dept. and even the
Governor of Goa?  It only goes to show that the persons at the helm of the
handful of Caldeira's neighbours aligned against him had ulterior motives
launching this harassment to hound him out from the house he is occupying!



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