On Sun Apr 30 06:50:01 PDT 2006, Olav Menezes wrote:

> Manuel Caldeira, in all the complaints engineered against him, is 
> referred to as a "foreigner" ....

RESPONSE: That's unfortunate. In the past fortnight alone, I have met Goans 
here in Toronto that feel and act like foreigners in Goa. They go there for a 
cheap holiday, the beach, the tour (2nd or 3rd visit to Goa in 30 years), oh 
yes to meet their family (what's left of Aunt Teodiline) and some friends.

> And the persons calling Manuel Caldeira a foreigner are the likes of 
> Matthew Mendes, an East Indian from Bandra, and Sr. Udaya, from 
> Mangalore and parts beyond!

RESPONSE: It's quite possible the optics make them more Goan than Manuel, 
irrespective of Manuel's roots.

> In fact GSPCB has just issued Manuel Caldeira its NOC. And if the 
> complaints about pollution and noise were genuine, why resort to 
> complaining to other authorities like the Income Tax Dept. and 
> even the Governor of Goa?  It only goes to show that the persons 
> at the helm of the handful of Caldeira's neighbours aligned against 
> him had ulterior motives for launching this harassment to hound him 
> out from the house he is occupying!

RESPONSE: I hear you Olav. It would have helped facilitate a discussion if you 
had or could rationalize some of the finer details re Manuel's operation 
regarding pollution readings vis-a-vis GSPCB standards, PWD - water consump, 
Butane Gas consumption, location within village, waste water disposal, etc....

I avguely recollect that somebody (probably Floriano) had written months ago, 
following an article from Nazar D'Silva or Fred, about accomodating Manuel's 
ceramic business.

In Toronto, we'd be breaking the law if we changed auto engine oil in 
residential areas. So there may be similar laws in place about industry 
existing in residential/rural areas in Goa/India.

The issues I've highlighted above may lead to a healthy discussion for expat 
Goans who are considering returning to Goa with their skillsets to start a new 
life. Manuel Caldeira is probably a trail-blazer....we should wish him nothing 
but the best and every success in his endeavours. As a Canadian, I'm certain 
he is aware of his environmental responsibilities.

Best - Bosco
Toronto, CA

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