Will the real Jennifer please stand up?
Smita Deshmukh
Tuesday, April 11, 2006  01:34 IST

MUMBAI: Jennifer Mirza, wife of film-maker Saeed Mirza, had a rude
surprise waiting for her when she returned from her Goan holiday on

Twenty-four hours since she saw her name in the newspapers in
connection with the naval War Room leak, Jennifer is livid. "My first
reaction was, I know it's not me and told myself not to get worried,"
she told DNA. "But then it is a rare name and I know there is not
another Jennifer Mirza in Goa."

Last Thursday, the CBI had raided several places throughout India in
connection with the War Room leak. One such office, which the CBI
sleuths raided, was reported to belong to a woman named Jennifer Mirza
in Goa.

As the story emerged in the media, the Mirzas saw friends and close
family pop the question: "What is Jennifer up to in Goa?"

An angry Jennifer said, "I just rang up my next-door neighbours in
west Margao and they confirmed that my place is locked," she said.
"There is a rare statistical possibility that there is another woman
bearing my name in Goa. If she is there, through the media, I want to
know who she is," she said.

Saeed Mirza was equally angry. "I'm sure there is no second Jennifer
Mirza in Goa," he said. "So is this a case of mischief? Or sloppy

Mirza is taking no chances and has already started contacting his
friends in New Delhi, including top lawyer Indira Jaising. "This is so
insulting and slanderous," he said. "I will take these guys to the

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