--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario
>  Like most things that come from you, I am highly
> sceptical that, "if you visit Portugal you will see 
> that almost all their surnames were copied from 
> us Goan Catholics" :-)). Your  smiley at the end of
> your statement, as above, does not amuse me at all 
> as I am more interested in the authenticity 
> or not of your above statement. So, please explain,
> without a smiley, how Catholic Goans got Portuguese 
> names in the first place, if not from the 
> Portuguese who baptised mainly Hindu Goans as well
> as ruled Goa for 451 years? In this process, I 
> believe that Hindu surnames were forsaken for 
> Portuguese surnames. This is indeed the conventional
> wisdom on this issue. However, I and I'm sure 
> others on Goanet, await your scholarly input on my 
> specific question above.  With much anticipation,
Mario observes:
You can't be serious.  Anyone who has visited Portugal
would soon recognize that they all have Goan Catholic
surnames, which could only come from them having
copied these names from Goan Catholics :-))
As an intellectual, you must know that "conventional
wisdom" is often wrong, and that some comments canot
be written without a smiley face :-))

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