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Hi Elizabeth
Again, I can't disagree with you. I too have stated on Goanet that anyone who wants to convert to any faith voluntarily should be able to do so. However, according to material from George Pinto, and I believe at least one other source on Goanet, there is a firm decision by the Pope to actively evangelise in Asia and that indeed a Goan senior cleric has this task assigned to him in India. I stand corrected if this is not true and hope Fred will throw more light on this issue.

Irrespective of Kamath's warning shot or rant, and the sad case of the murdered Australian missionaries, or for that matter other cases, I would think that an active and organised policy of Catholic evangelisation in India is fraught with danger. Would you not agree on this? I saw the process of evangelisation taking place for myself in Goa in Margao Municipal Garden on Easter day in April 2006 and observed what was going on for a good half hour. Later, that day, I met the organiser socially in Colva where he worked at the Sea Coin in the evenings. Although a most pleasant fellow, I was horrified by his insistence and deep belief that Christ's teaching should be actively disseminated to those who have not heard the word of God.

I have no problem with those who are doing good work voluntarily irrespective of what the outcome may be. I take my hat off to them but I am really worried about the possible unpredictable consequences of systematic and determined evangelisation--especially in India. I believe it is better to be rational now on this issue rather than hope that an unthinking mob will not act unpredictably.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)
--- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Cornel,
First of all, let me state that I too am against
evangelisation of any sort by any religion or
religious sect or pseudo-religious sect. I have
said that if someone wishes to worship a stone and
believe that that stone has the ability to impact
life, by appropriate propitiation, then so be it.

Having said that, I found MV Kamath's letter
uncomfortable. The words were ill-chosen and
unfortunately incendiary. I googled to see what
exactly the Pope had said which got MV Kamath all
riled up. The Pope is talking about conversions that
take place in India voluntarily. And it is the moral
right of every human being to convert if he so

I don't have any statistics on how many forceful
conversions take place in India. I know that a lot
Catholic missionaries are doing wonderful work in
rural areas, and there is a sort of "food for God"
ideology practiced sometimes, but this is such soft
pedaling that it should hardly garner the wrath very
often expressed by, yes, Hindu fundamentalist.

MV Kamath, writes this in his letter:
The Pope owes an apology to Hindus and to India on
bended knees.

Really, did Hindu religious authorities offer
apologies to Christians or the Pope, when they saw
to burn Australian missionary Graham Staines and his
two sons. Do they offer apologies when they rape
attack Catholic schools, hospitals and churches.
in Goa, the insidious tumour of hate has taken seed.

Atrocities have been carried out in the name of
religion for centuries now. It's about time we
in the name of God.


> Goanetters,
> The people of Goa have demonstrated muscle over
> Da Vinci Code whether we
> agree with this or not, and the mechanism by which
> this was achieved.  I now
> sincerely hope that, such muscle will be shown
> against the highly risky and
> misguided business of the Catholic Church in its
> assertiveness over
> evangelisation in India.
> I had discussed this issue previously but the
> recently reported concern and
> anger on this matter, as expressed by MV Kamath,
> to be taken very
> seriously. I therefore want to place my extreme
> concern over this issue, for
> the record on Goanet, even if I am very much in
> minority. The debate on
> the temple/church issue (hopefully temporarily
> exhausted), is insignificant
> compared to the monster being officially unleashed
> by the Church in a highly volatile India over religion.
> Cornel

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