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On 30/07/06, Brendan Abreu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know the exact story as to why the dance
> at Viva Goa was shut down suddenly last night and why
> all those 30 plus cop cruisers rushed into the parking
> lot ? I didnt see any fights going on as per the usual
> at a Goa function, nor was there any commotion outside
> in the parking lot which is a real surprise.
> The only incident that I saw in the afternoon, was a
> well dressed goan lady in her late 40's being escorted
> by her arm by the Indian Cop across the parking lot
> infront of everyone into the back of the police
> cruiser, where she was there for quite a while. From
> what I heard her telling him was that some guy was
> rude to her and I guess she must have not kept quiet,
> but the cop kept telling her that she should have
> spoken to him quietly. Poor lady must have been
> totally embarassed.

RESPONSE: Does the GOA Toronto take any action, such as banning these
people from future events?

This sort of thing takes place here too, from time to time. The last
time I complained to the management, I was informed that they could
not intervene/interfere as it was a domestic issue!!!

For crying out loud, domestic issues should be sorted out at home, or
in the kitchen. The management copped out.

Incidentally the so called domestic issue ended up in Court, with the
prepetrator being locked out and eventually kicked out of the
home...so my sources inform me.

Also can someone please inform us how much did the entrance cost and
how much for parking the cars? It seems to me that the outlay is quite
hefty...the GOA Toronto ostensibly with a C.A. at the helm is in
control and mindful, or is the Annual affair a give-away? ( loss


Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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