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I think Santosh is making a very valid point that God-fearing people can, 
and do engage in horrendous evil. Osama bin Ladan is a perfect example, 
killing for his warped view of the love of his God-fearing maker, and the 
'sacred' land of Saudi Arabia where Mohamed the prophet was born and lived. 
And so are the suicide bombers, wanting to get to heaven in double-quick 
time to meet the God they so fear and also love! So also were the Crusaders 
in earlier times.

Other examples are the Ku Klax Klan, some among the Boers in apartheid South 
Africa and even Hitler. The first two definitely drew highly selectively 
from the Bible to support their warped arguments about their right to 
demonise and eliminate 'lower' groups. Hitler in turn, drew his bizarre 
inspiration from his God-fearing sense of Christ's unfinished business of 
eliminating the Jews. These guys were  thoroughly mistaken but they were 
most certainly frighteningly God fearing! There is no oxymoron in this 
assertion at all.

The oxymoron suggested by JC reminds me of a good friend of mine who when 
hearing that someone was divorcing a women whom he had loved desperately 
before, claimed that the bloke had not really ever loved her in the first 
place. Fortunately life's experience has helped my friend to change his mind 
about his daft previous oxymoron.

In some respect this is also like the Catholic Church rejecting the concept 
of divorce but happy to be instrumental about (sometimes after years of 
marriage, children etc) the mind-boggling concept of annulment, especially 
assured to the rich, famous and powerful.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples
> Santosh Helejar wrote: <A misconception that has just been propagated in
> this forum is that god-fearing people cannot be evil. This misconception 
> can
> be easily refuted by giving several present-day examples of god-fearing
> people who are evil, or have committed evil acts.>
My dear Santoshbab,
> I submit to you that the term An Evil God Fearing Person .... is an 
> oxymoron.
> A God-fearing person cannot be evil; If he is, he cannot be God-fearing.

CORNEL: It is precisely because some guys are obsesively God-fearing that 
they can engage in horrendous evil. Why are some on Goanet so confused about 
this point?

> I believe that those who are not God Fearing, have a higher propensity of 
> being evil.

Cornel: obviously, the ultra devout Catholic Mafioso who definitely claim to 
be God-fearing, do not come into the frame for pure convenience!
> It is my belief that NO God fearing person will NEVER [Cornel: I am sure 
> "ever" was meant and that this is a typo] commit violence against another 
> ... except in self-defence.

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