Hi all ! 
The death occured in Toronto of well known musician - Remy DeMello.
He suffered from a stroke more than ten years  ago, and although
he got back from a coma some two years later, he never fully

Hailing from a family of musicians, Remy  founded the DeMello
Brothers band in  the southern Tanzanian town of Iringa in the
early fifties  with older brothers- Santan (trumpet) and the late 
Jules (piano and accordion),  uncle Matthew on drums and Tony
Fernandes on double bass.

The family moved to Dar es Salaam - the capital - in the
mid-fifties  and they continued playing with new musicians -
including drummer - Joaquim Mendes formerly of Iringa.

Remy was a very versatile clarinet player, but was equally talented
in  playing the trumpet, tenor saxophone and trombone. He was well
known for imitating the Afro-American trumpeter and singer - Louis
Armstrong-aka "Satchmo".

After "stints" on the BI ships, he returned to Dar, but  left
for Kuwait in the seventies and finally to Toronto where he played
for a number of bands and taught music to some goan youth.

However, some ten years ago as he was driving to the home of a young
goan boy to prepare him  for his final piano exam, he took a detour
to the hospital where on arrival, he collapsed  at the steering
wheel- apparently of a stroke. 

Remy- who leaves behind  a wife  and children- will be buried this
Saturday in the Canadian metropolis.

His youngest brother - Francis- a very talented pianist and drummer-
plays as a one-man show at a top Toronto nite-spot, and Santan
continues to play the trumpet for some bands at GOA functions.

Yours In Grief.

Tony Barros.
Union, New Jersey.


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