--- "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha"
>In our study we found that children with high birth
>order, Muslim religion, those residing in rural
areas, >children with low parent education and
socioeconomic >status and those from high household
size had >significantly low immunization coverage
levels >compared to children from other groups (P
>0.05). Also >a trend analysis showed improvement in
immunization >status with improvement in parent
education, >socio-economic status and decreasing
family size.

The above conclusions are at best premature. The
variables assessed are not at all independent of each
other. In other words, for example, there may be
significant differences in the socioeconomic status,
parent educational level, household size, etc. between
the Muslims, Christians and Hindus sampled in this
study. In this case, the low immunization coverage may
be explained by one or more of these other factors,
and not the Muslim religion per se. The same rationale
can be applied to each of the other variables. 

The study, as presented, is flawed. Either the whole
study needs to be redone, or if the requisite data are
available, they need to be properly re-analyzed to
control for or assess the inter-dependencies or
interactions between the different variables. Short of
that, very limited meaningful conclusions can be drawn
from this study.


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